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Amos - The Roar of Judgement

Amos from Tekoa in the southern Kingdom of Judea, the author of the book, whose name means burden bearer, a humble workman not a trained prophet, God gave him a burden of Judgement to preach to the Northern kingdom Israel. Seven times he pronounced "Thus Said the Lord" Woe to the Nations surrounding them for the evils they had done, the people say yes give it to them. But them he turns to them threatening them with Gods Judgement also, because of their Idolatry and moral rottenness, injustice, adultery and murder. They had forgotten that God is the creator and sovereign over all nations, So holds us all accountable for the way we live. As Gods people we are to be salt and light to those around us, to commend them to God. Their evil behaviour was causing Gods Name to be disgraced, there empty compromised worship, God hated. They Lived for themselves and not to please God. Judged against Gods plumb line they had failed, there prophets and priests only preach what the people wanted to hear, not Gods word. As they refused to repent and turn back to God. So, God say to them, if you refuse to hear and obey My Word then I will cause there to be a spiritual famine in the land. Which was to be only broken with the coming of Christ Jesus into the world 400 years later. Gods message is to sinners is repent, turn from your sins, to walk with God, trusting and believe in Jesus, who died to save you and so let us truly worship Him from your hearts.

The Lion Roars,  Amos 1-2,    The Roar of judgement,   Amos 9,  

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