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Angels and demons

Do you believe in angels and demons? well the Bible Gods Word does. It teaches that sometime at the beginning of creation God created angels, a whole host of them, with different ranks, Seraphim, Cherubim, and Archangel these being the highest ranked, of which the bible names two of them Gabriel and Michael. These powerful mighty sinless spirit beings, served and worshiped God. But satan one of the, highest ranking angels, was jealous of Gods supreme power and authority, he leads a rebellion against God, sometime just before the fall of Adam. Satan and all the fallen angel were banished from heaven, the evil angel from now on called demons or devils, followers of satan who is also called the devil, they all seek to oppose God, and His chosen people. The Bible tells us about The Angel of The Lord, is this an appearance of the Son of God before His birth in the stable in Bethlehem? The Bible has the answers for us, but you will need to listen to the talks, to find out more about them. Including their great mighty but limited powers by God, who is sovereign over all things.

I Believe in Angels Luke 1;26-38, Angels and Jesus Luke 2;8-14, Angels and Us Acts 12;1-10, The Angel of The Lord Judges 13;1-25, Angels And The Apocalypse Revelation 4;1-11, Who The Devil Is He? 1John 4;1-5, Where The Devil's He From? Luke 10;17, What The Devil's He Like? Revelation 12;7-12, What The Devil's He Doing? (part 1) Genesis 3;14-15, What The Devil's He Doing? (part 2) Matthew 4;1-11, Where The Devil's He Going? Revelation 19;11-16

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