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Christmas - Christ Virgin Birth, Just As Prophesied

The journey to Bethlehem, the True History about The Messiah as fore told in the Old Testament hundreds of years before by the prophets. He left heavens glory to come down to this sinful earth, As the angel Gabriel told the virgin Mary and Joseph, that she would be with child of the Holy Ghost. This wonderful Good New that a Saviour has been born, and "He shall be called Jesus for he shall save His people from their sins". and He shall be call Emmanuel which means God with us. So that Jesus is the Saviour, He is the Son of God. The most important question anyone can ask you?  is the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God your Saviour?

The Meaning Of Christmas Singing, Shepherd's, Sage's & Salvation done Matthew 1;18-2;12 ??,  The Genealogy Of Jesus Matthew 1;1-17,  The Setting, Song, Statement & Sequel. Luke 2 ;22-38,  A Surprising, A Shocking & A Saving Reaction Matthew 2;1-12  A Dark and Deliverance Day. Exodus 1;22-2;10.   Jesus the Reason for the Season.    Luke 2;21-35.

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