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Obadiah - The Proud will be Humbled.

Obadiah means "worshiper or servant of The Lord" and he live up to his name. He addresses the Southern Kingdom of Judah. He starts by telling them of the doom of Edom and why they will be overthrown. These proud people thought they did not need God, but we all accountable to God for how we live. God's people's pride was stopping them from coming to God, so God will bring them down God will humble them, they will go into captivity in Babylon, but in the future God will deliver them, in His grace and mercy will restore Judah to their land again. The relevance to us is that it speaks to us of Jesus, for in this spiritual conflict between God and satan who seeks to destroy the godly line, God will preserve this line through which the Messiah, the Christ will come. Still today satan and his people seek to destroy the people of God the Church. Judah captivity was not the end of the godly line for God restored them, when they repented and turn back to Him. God chooses and saves whom He wills, and those he calls to be saved, He saves them as by His grace and mercy God. For God save all who repent and believe in His son Jesus Christ. We need not fear what troubles come are way, for God is in control. God will one day bring all His chosen children safely home to heaven, are you one of His adopted children?  who do you follow? O' put your pride aside, and be humbled and come and follow Him who so love you that He gave His life to save you.

The proud will be humbled,   Obadiah 1,  

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