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Easter - Christ in Gethsemane to His Resurrection

O how the grace of God amazes me. In this series of one, off Easter messages, and short series leading up to Easter. We will cover the time from the garden of Gethsemane, to Good Friday on the Cross on Calvary and laid in the empty tomb, and the Saturday Jesus in Paradise [Luke 23;43 and 1 Peter 3;18-22], then on the Sunday the Resurrection accounts. As we hear about that marvellous mystery, that the Holy Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Did give His life as a ransom on that cruel cross, so my sinful soul, would be forgive of all my sins, and His righteousness would be made over to my account so that I am counted to be sinless in God eyes. How greatly Jesus must have lived me?

God Will Provide Himself A Lamb Genesis 22,    John 13;1-17. Pictures from the Upper Room, what to do In,For & Through Us.   1.Lest I Forget Gethsemane. Luke 22;39-46.  2.Calvary; The Basic, Back & The Big Story.  John 19;16-42.  The Building Blocks of Hope.  1Peter 3;18-22.   The who and Why of the Cross.  Mark 15;    The Fruit Inspector John 15;1-8 & Galatians 5;22-23.

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