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Exodus 1; - 17; - Moses, Living by Faith for The Glory of God.

Exodus means the way out, it about the deliverance of God people from bondage to the Egyptians Moses the author tells us the true story of how in answer to His people prayers to God, He uses Moses to deliver them. Seeing Gods wisdom and providence in choosing and prepare him, for this difficult task of leading about 3 million people out of Egypt, through the wilderness to the promised land. Saved from death by the being adopted by the Egyptian princes, he was educated in all the knowledge and wisdom of Egypt, Nurse by his Godly Hebrew mother who taught his all about the one true God, so that he believed and trusted in God. Who after 40 years training in leadership in the palace, has to flee to the wilderness for killing an Egyptian whilst he was defending an Israelite. There in the wilderness caring for flocks, he learnt what he needed to know how to lead the people with their flocks safely to the promised land. After 80 years he is ready and God calls him to go and be the deliver the Saviour of Gods people from bondage to Egypt. Moses was a type of Christ who mediated between them and God. In the ten plagues we see the false gods of Egypt defeated. In the Passover Lamb we see a for tasted of Christ our Redeemer who died in our place to save us from our sins.

In the beginning",  Exodus 1;1-22,  God's deliverance of His Leader",  Exodus 2;1-10,  Right choice, Wrong action",  Exodus 2;11-25,  Holy Ground",  Exodus 3;1-8,  Excuses, Excuses",  Exodus 4;1-17,  Setbacks and Trouble",  Exodus 5;1-6;8,  A Hard Heart",  Exodus 8;1-15 (7;1-10;29),  The Great Escape",  Exodus 11;1-7 & 12;1-13,  Crossing the Red Sea",  Exodus 14;10-31,  Songs of Praise",  Exodus 15;1-21,  Bitter Waters",  Exodus 15;22-26,  Bread of Heaven",  Exodus 16;1-35,  Trials and Battles",  Exodus 17;1-16,  

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