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Haggai - First Thing First - God and His Temple

Haggai the author his name means "Festal" he was reputed to have been born in exile in Babylon and returned with Zerubbabel to Jerusalem, He along with the prophet Zechariah aided in the rebuilding of the temple. But like us those that returned were selfishly preoccupied in beautifying their own homes and soon lost their zeal to rebuild the temple, and the work ceased for 15 years. Haggai strongly rebukes them, telling them that God had withheld his blessing, so that why they had poor crops. Because they had neglected the God and His house, leaving it in ruins. They are to get on with the work, for it they don't it will never get done. Then they resumed the rebuilding, and in 4 years it was finished. Haggai gave them words of encouragement, reminding them that God was with them. When the people were discouraged because of the inferiority of their temple building, Haggai Inspired them with the future Glory, which would come at the coming of the Messiah the Christ and Gods Glory would fill the Temple. Haggai reminds them of their unworthiness to build the temple, and Haggai predictions the of doom of the heathen nations and a word of commendation for Zerubbable, Gods chosen instrument to lead His people. The message of Haggai is to do the duty which God has put in your hand, with unwavering faith and steady perseverance, in spite of the opposition. "So, be strong and Work" Do we put God first? and care for the building up Gods Church? not just the physically fabric? but spiritually for the people who made up the Church?

Haggai,  Haggai 2;1-9,    Haggai Playing 2nd Fiddle But with a 1st class Message,  Haggai 1;1-2 & 2;20-23,  

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