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Jeremiah 1; - 12;  – Gems from Jeremiah

Lessons from the life of a man of God, showing us how to remain Faithful to God in Godless Times. His name means “The LORD establishes or throws” he was known as the weeping prophet. He prophesied from the end of good King Josiah till after Judah was taken into captivity in Babylon, Serving his God faithfully for forty years. We see how he was chosen by God before he was born and called to be a prophet. Gifted and commissioned to the work, Jeremiah knew the presents of God with him sustaining him by Gods Word. Through many difficult times of persecution, when opposed by everyone for they did not want to hear Gods message. He was put in the stocks, and into a deep muddy dungeon, then finally carried away into Egypt. We see that man is a self-centred rebel, also the sinfulness of our sins, and that without true repentance God Judgement is certain. But we also see how God’s care for the true faithful believer, how there is hope for them for God has promised to be with him to deliver him.

Gems fro Jeremiah, Jeremiah 1;1-19 The Weeping & Powerful Prophet. Jeremiah 2;1-37   Jeremiah 2;1-13 Where are You drinking from?  Jeremiah 5;20-31. What will we do in the end?  Jeremiah 7;1-15  The Temple Sermon.   Jeremiah 11;18-12;6   Jeremiah in the firing line.    Jeremiah 13;1-13,    Jeremiah;s belt. Jeremiah 18;1-18   Jeremiah at the potters house.  Jeremiah 20;1-18,   Jeremiah's heart revealed.    Jeremiah  28;1-17     Jeremiah and a false prophet.   Jeremiah 29;4-14 (Vs11) Jeremiah's letter, God's Plan, Peace, Provides & Promise.   Jeremiah 32;1-44,   A Field Purchased, A Prayer & A Promise.    Jeremiah 36;1-32.   God's Word Received, Read, Rejected & Rewritten.    Jeremiah 38;1-13 In the Pit, A Constant, Cruel, Cowardly & Courageous Man.   Jeremiah 39;1-18.   A Day of Reckoning, Destruction, Deliverance & Decision.

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