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Job - The Problem of Suffering

In Job we see a reason "why" God allows his people to have problems such as suffering. Job was a good upright man, who avoided evil, who fears and trust in God, and God had greatly blessed him. But God allows a powerful satan, to attack Job. For satan wrongly thinks Job only serves God, for what he can get out of it. But God knows satan is wrong, and God sets strict limits on how far satan can go. Poor Job cannot understand why God should allow him to suffer so much, thinking God was being unkind to him, But still Job remains faithful to his God, trusting in God for he "knows that his Redeemer Liveth"(Job 19;25). His friends are convinced that Job must have done some great sin, so that's why he suffering, But they were wrong, and in the end, Job prays for his friends, and God restores to him his prosperity. What satan had meant for evil, God turns it round and uses it for Jobs good as a means of perfecting his character.

Faith in The Fire,  Job 1,  Seconds Away - Round two,  Job 2,  In the "WHY? " of The Storm,  Job 3,  With Friends Like These...Who Needs Enemies?,  Job 4-6, 11, 13, 19, 23.,  Question Time,  Job 38-41,  Jurassic Park,  Job 40-42,  

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