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John - An Eye Witness Account, Of Jesus the Son of God

The apostle John the beloved disciple was the author. One of Christ first disciples, one of 3 leaders, the inner circle Peter, James and John. He was the last to leave to go home to his Lord and Saviour. The one whom Christ asked to care of his mother Mary. This ambitious violent tempered disciple, learn to love in the school of Christ, and at least 25 times John refers to Christians that they are to be Loving in his epistles. The key word and theme of the book is Deity His Divinity. He wants to inspire faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God. Another key word is Witness over 50 times calling attention to those who were witness to His deity. Starting in Chapter 1, stating that Jesus is the Word, He is God, the creator, who has always been, no beginning, eternal. Then in "John 1;29. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world". John consists mainly of Christ discourses and conversations, what Christ said, rather than what he did, and over half the book given over to the events and sayings of Christ in those last days before His death and resurrection. John 20;30-31 says of Jesus that He did many signs before His disciples, but these are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and by believing you might have life through His name.

Jesus the Light of the World.    John 8;12-20.   What's That Smell?,  John 12;1-11.  HRH King Jesus,  John 12;12-50,  The Servant King,  John 13,  Timeless Truth For Troubled Times,  John 14;1-6,  Glorious Comforts For Troubled Disciples,  John 14;7-24,  Preparing For Mission,  John 14;25-31,  In Service,  John 15;1-8,  Love,  John 15;9-17,  The Cost Of Following Jesus & Living For Christ,  John 15;18-16;4,  Power For Mission,  John 16;5-33,  Listen - Jesus Is Praying,  John 17;1-21,  Kissed By A Traitor, Cursed By A Friend,  John 18;1-18,  Condemned But In Control,  John 18;19-40,  The Day God Died,  John 19;1-30,  God Is Dead - But Not For Long,  John 19;31-42,  An Empty Tomb,  John 20;1-30,  Sliding From Impact To Irreverence,  John 20;19-23,  Doubting Thomas,  John 20;24-31,  A Surprising Success,  John 21;15-25

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