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Jonah - The Reluctant Missionary.

Jonah's a man from Galilee a prophet to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. With a mixture of strengths and weaknesses, His mission was to go too Nineveh the enemies of his country. reluctant to go we see his disobedience and its results, followed by his prayer from the belly of the fish, and his release. His preaching to the people of Nineveh, and their repentance. Then God's love is contrasted with Jonah's anger. In this true story which Jesus believed and spoke of Jonah. But we heard that Jesus Christ is far greater than Jonah, as Jesus always sort to do His Father God's will, and not His own. Jesus displays great mercy and compassion for the lost. Jesus the source of God's grace, He died and rose from the dead having died to save sinners. O' how wonderful is God's Amazing grace. We also see a Sovereign God who does whatsoever He wills, who is totally in control of all things (The storm & big fish, the tree & little worm). Seeing God's great grace and mercy to a wicked undeserving people. That God cares about all nations, and their greatest need is to repent and turn from their sinful ways. Then how God uses imperfect men to proclaim His truth. We See the patience and long suffering nature of our God who restore His failing servant. The folly and dangers of running away from doing, what God has given you, to do in His service. So, we should obey Him always.

Jonah,  Jonah 3;1-4;11,  Running From God (God In Jonah),  Jonah 1;1-3,  No Man Is An Island (God At Work),  Jonah 1;4-10,  Jaws - The Inside Story,  Jonah 1;1-17,  I Am A Prophet - Get Me Out Of Here (Gods Great Grace),  Jonah 2;1-10,  The God Of The Second Chance (Gods Great Mercy),  Jonah 3;1-2,  Loving Those You Hate (God's Mercy & Jonah's Misery),  Jonah 3;2-4,  The Beginnings Of Blessing (Who God Is),  Jonah 3;5,  When Blessing Comes (All About God),  Jonah 3;5-9,  Does God Change His Mind?,  Jonah 3;10,  God And The City,  Jonah 4;1-11,   The Man Who Stopped Running & Started Preaching,  Jonah 2,   An Argument With God ,  Jonah 4,  

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