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Malachi - A Message to the Unfaithful and the Faithful

Malachi the name means "My Messenger" he was the last of the Old Testament prophets probably in the times of the Reformers Nehemiah and Ezra. Some think that Ezra was the author, but we don't know, Sadly God's people after a time of revival. They have again become religiously indifferent a ungrateful to God, and morally sinful people, They were guilty of profanity, adultery, perjury and oppression, robbing God of the tithes, inferior sacrifices, failing in their family responsibilities, marriages to unbelievers neighbors and cruel divorces, Still having a form of godliness, but far from God. They doubt that God would punish them, for we are Gods people, Malachi challenges them about their unfaithfulness, calls o them to repent and turn back to God. He tells them that the Messiah is coming, but all that awaits them is God's Judgement for their many sins. They have rebelled, choosing to live without God. Having their own ideas not God's. So, for the next 400 years apart from a small faithful few, that remain faithful to God, the rest of the Jews are all far from God, living to please themselves. rejecting Gods Word. After Malachi God did not speak again till Christ Came. You cannot be faithful to God and go your own way, so obey God, fight against sin, looking to Jesus.

Malachi,  Malachi 3;1-18,    Priests& People Are Polluted,  Malachi 2;1-16,  God Will Bless The Faithful,  Malachi 3;6-18,  

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