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Micah - God is Holy Just and Merciful.

Micah the author from a village near Jerusalem was a bold prophet, he was sent with Gods message to preach against their sins, which would lead to Judgement their destruction, but in the future Salvation for a remnant, God would rescue and retort them to their land and bless them. The message was to both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. His name means "Who is like Jehovah" he was a contemporary of Isaiah and Hosea. Because God is a Holy and just God, He demands righteousness from his people. God was against the capital cities of Samaria and Jerusalem, because of their idolaters and those that exploited the poor, so God will punish them. Gods message was to all classes of people whom he summoned to attend to hear Gods Word. God had a message for the rulers the princes, priest and prophets, because they exploited the needy, so God would send them into exile. The message to the ordinary people was that their worship was just ritualism, and they had failed to do justly and love mercy and walk humbly with their God. But God had not forgotten the remnant who remained faithful, God promised to rescue them and bring them back from exile. God would forgive their sins and bless them. God's requirement for His people today have not changed, we are to be just and merciful, living righteous lives. But O how far short we fall. But there is hope in Jesus for Jesus is our righteousness, he lived that perfect life we could not do, and died to save us from our sins. when we repent and turn from sin, to trust in Jesus Christ for our Salvation, we are saved

Micah,  Micah 7;1-20,  Micah Pronounces Imminent Judgement,  Micah 1-2, 

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