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Nehemiah - Kingdom Buildings, Keeping the Focus.

Nehemiah the King cup bearer, a faithful man of God. Troubled by the reports of the poor state of things in Jerusalem. He prayed and fasted about the whole situation. Before taking the opportunity to ask King Artaxerxes for permission to go to Jerusalem, to organise the rebuilding of the city walls. The King sent him as the new governor, with permission to rebuild to walls and the gates. Nehemiah meets with much opposition, but in Gods providence it was all overcome, God giving the people a willingness to work, and the walls and its gates where rebuilt, and the people are united under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah, around Gods Word. So, we sore the importance of prayer and having godly leadership, for God's Word to be known and obeyed, for Gods people to grow healthy.

Bad News Travels Fast" or "Public Figure & Praying Man",  Nehemiah Ch 1,  Wine taster to Wall builder" or Plans & Prayers,  Nehemiah Ch 2,  All Hands on deck",  Nehemiah Ch 3,  There is trouble ahead",  Nehemiah Ch 4,  Problems indoors",  Nehemiah Ch 5,  Character assassination",  Nehemiah Ch 6,  What needs to be number one",  Nehemiah Ch 7 & 8,  Confession and Covenant",  Nehemiah Ch 9-10,  The way ahead",  Nehemiah Ch 11-13,  1 - Setting The Scene,  Nehemiah 1;1-4,   3 - Arrow Prayers" {Preparation, Prayers & Problems},  Nehemiah 2;1-10,    5 - Workers And Shirkers,  Nehemiah 3;1-32,    7 - Grasping The Nettle,  Nehemiah 5;1-19,    9 - Mission Accomplished,  Nehemiah 6;15 - 7;73,    11 - Road To Revival,  Nehemiah 9;1-38,    13 - Organizing For God,  Nehemiah 11;1-36,   15 - Strong Leadership,  Nehemiah 13;1-31,  

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