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Parables - The Stories Jesus Told

The parables are earthly stories Jesus told, with a heavenly meaning and a heavenly purpose. There are about 30  recorded in His Word. These are meant to challenge us, to question our behaviour, in the light of God's Word. To act like mirrors to show us ourselves. For Its not enough to hear God's word, we need to understand it, and put it into practice in our daily walk with God. Parables are not fables for they never transgress the actual order of things (animals don't talk etc). But earthly stories told by our Lord which have a spiritual meaning. But not all the part of the stories are to be pressed into spiritual meanings. We must stick to the central truths of the parable, and as in all scripture we must interpret the parables in the light of all the scriptures teaching on the subject. Jesus in the telling of the parable in Matthew 13;3-9. of the Sower with its four different types of soil, has given us the key to interpreting them. In Verse 10-17 & 18-23. When His disciples ask why do you speak in parables? Jesus said "Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given". So, to some, God will open the eyes, so the see and understand. But to others whose hearts are far from God they will be hardened, their eyes are closed, so they cannot see and understand. Or Has Jesus the Son of God hardened or melted your heart? and will you let Gods Word work changes in your life?

The Lost Found Sheep, Coin & Son,  Luke 15,  The Sower,  Mark 4;1-20,   The Unforgiving Servant,  Matthew 18;21-35,  The Good Samaritan,  Luke 10;25-37,  The Rich Fool,  Luke 12;13-21,  The Wedding Banquet,  Matthew 22;1-14,  The Ten Virgins,  Matthew 25;1-13,  The Rich Man and Lazarus" (A warning about Hell),  Luke 16;19-31,  The Prodigal Son,  Luke 15;11-32,  The Pharisee and the Tax Man,  Luke 18;9-14,  

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