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The Revelation of Jesus Christ, "God Wins."

The Apostle John wrote this book which tells of a first vision of the glorified Christ. John has15 visions from God, while being banished on the island of Patmos, for his faith in the Christ. This blessed and symbolic book were seven the perfect number is everywhere in these visions and the central figure is the Lamb of God. the last vision speaking of the new heavens and new earth, paradise restored. The ideas and principals of this book are of relevance to Christians of all time. So, we will take an overview of the whole book, then introduce the first chapter and vision of the glorified Christ and the promises of blessings are given to those readers who hear and obey Christ words, but to those who refuse to hear and obey but tamper with His words they will be cursed. Then the rest of the first vision and our Lord sends a letter to seven Churches. Christ message starts with commendations, then goes on to warn and exhort the Churches to put right and repent of their failings and turn back to a closer walk with their God.  So, we are to pay attention to what Christ has to say through these visions.  So, he that has ears to hear, let him hear, what God in Christ has to say to all the Churches. This letter is meant to strengthen an encourage the Churches in times of persecution, telling us all how to live for God in troubled times and It shows us that God always wins.

Revelation 1;1-20.   It's all about Jesus.    Revelation 2;1-3;22.     The Seven Churches.   Revelation 4;1-11. The  Coronation of The King.      Revelation 5;1-11.   The King Reigns.    Revelation 6;1-17.   Seals 1-6, the Earth & Heaven show.    Revelation  8;1-5.  Prayers of the saints.    Revelation 8;6-9;21.   God's Holy Justice.    Revelation  10;1-11.    God's Word, is Certain & to be Declared.     Revelation 11;1-19     Living for God in a day of Trouble.   Revelation 14;1-20. The Lamb is All The Glory.     Revelation 15 & 16. God is Just.     Revelation 17;1-18.   God is Triumphant.      Revelation  19;1-21. Satan's Last Stand.     Revelation 20;1-10   The King is Coming      Revelation 20;7-15.   More on Satan's Last Stand.     Revelation 21;1-27.  Hope Springs Eternal.    Revelation 22;1-21.    Come Lord Jesus.    //    The Revelation Of Jesus Christ    Revelations 1,  ,  Amazing Grace Revelations 1;4-6,    Persecuted But Powerful For God Revelations 1;9-11,    How To Get Rid Of Fear Revelations 1;17-20,    Smyrna - Persecuted But Not Forsaken Revelations 2;8-11,    Thyatira - Stand Up & Be Counted Revelations 2;18-29,    Philadelphia - Opportunity Knocks Revelations 3;7-3,   The Missionary  Minded Heart Of God . Revelation 5;9.

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