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This series is about the faithful disciples, just ordinary men with their own faults and failings, that Jesus chose and called to be with Him in His three years of ministry. Being taught and trained by Him, so that they could continue the work of building His Kingdom on earth. Caring for and teaching His Church. Jesus was to commission them to go forth throughout the world, with the good news of the Gospel, to evangelise the nations. For Jesus would return to heaven, where Jesus would intercede for them with God the father. But they would not be alone, for the Holy Spirit, would come and indwell each of them, and all who repent and believe through their ministry. The Holy Spirit Guiding them in the work that Jesus Christ had sent them to do. Though they were weak Christ was to be their strength. As we look at them, we will learn lessons, which will help us walk closer to Christ.

The Master's Men

Peter - 1.A Man Of Faith Luke 22;24-34, Peter - 2.A Breakfast Encounter With Jesus John 21;1-25, Andrew - Come & See John 1;35-51, John - From Son Of Thunder To Apostle Of Love Matthew 4;, Philip  John 6;1-15, James,  Nathaniel (.i.e. Bartholomew) John 1;43-51, The Call Of Matthew (.i.e. Levi ) Luke 5;27-32, Thomas - Are You The Missing Twin? John 20;19-31, Thaddeus &  Alphaeus - Chosen, Called & Appointed Luke 6;12-16

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