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Zephaniah - The Judgement Day of God

Zephaniah the author was of royal blood the great grandson of King Hezekiah, prophesied near the begin of good King Josiah's reign, who probably along with Huldah the prophetess and Jeremiah had a hand in initiation of the reformation of the kingdom. The main theme of his prophesies was to warm them of the Judgement of God, on the evil going on around him in Jerusalem. He called on the people to repent and turn back to following God, but despite of witnessing the Judgement of God on nations surrounding them, and continuing prophecies of Judgement against the wicked nation around them. they still had not changed, thinking that because they were Gods chose people, God would not Judge them. The reformation under king Josiah when they found the word of God and so for a time, they became the people of the Book. God is not without his witnesses, and there is no telling, what God can do through one person fearlessly speaking Gods Word. But did not last long, they soon drifted back into their old sinful ways. Judgement would fall upon Jerusalem and many would be taken off into exile in Babylon. but in the last chapter he for tells of a time in the future when God would deliver a godly remnant, and of a further future time when God world glorify Israel when God shall deliver his people cause them to become famous throughout the earth, speaking of the blessing that came when Christ the came to save his people from there sin. O What is your relationship with God like?  Are you ready for that final day of Judgement and Restoration?

Zephaniah,  Zephaniah 3;1-20,  The Duke  Brings A Message Of Judgement,  Zephaniah 1-3,  

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